
The story of Vantage Point began with a simple yet determined goal: to support companies on their sustainability journey. Our founders, who are passionate advocates for sustainability, recognized that more and more companies needed help to meet ESG requirements and achieve their sustainability goals. Vantage Point was created to provide support in these moments.

We step into a company’s life precisely when and where they need us. We understand that every company embarks on the road to sustainability for different reasons. Some prioritize it due to regulatory obligations and trends. Others are internally committed and desire responsible corporate governance.

These diverse motivations can converge at one point. Our mission is to ensure that sustainability efforts are not only driven by regulatory compliance but also by long-term commitment. We aspire for every company to eventually become dedicated to sustainability.

Vantage Point is more than just a consultancy – it is a community of experts committed to sustainability. We collaborate with colleagues and strategic partners who are experts of the subject and are deeply committed to it. Our team includes sustainability experts, corporate social responsibility consultants, and corporate governance specialists.

Over the years, we have achieved numerous success stories individually. Now, we work together as Vantage Point, offering a new perspective beyond compliance.

Tomaj Zsófi ügyvezető, társalapító
CEO, Co-Founder

I spent two years working on the creation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After their adoption, it became my mission to make an impact in the field of sustainability. I found this purpose in corporate sustainability.

I am pleased to collaborate with clients wherever and whenever they need me, whether for sustainability assessments, strategy development, reporting, or mindset transformation.

As an entrepreneur, my ability to act was limited; I, too, needed partners to help me achieve the desired impact.

I met Endre and Ádám at just the right time. I wanted to grow, and they were thinking about launching a sustainability consultancy. Our connection resulted in the creation of Vantage Point, which we co-founded. As the CEO, I represent the views and perspectives of all three of us. I feel reassured that I can lead our company hand-in-hand with my co-founders, whose expertise and business experience are invaluable.


I have worked in the financial sector for over 20 years in senior positions, including 10 years as head of Mastercard’s Budapest and Ljubljana offices. My main interest in ESG was how to run and develop organizations in a sustainable way for both employees and companies.

I consciously sought out individuals who were committed to sustainability from various perspectives and who took joy in building a corporate culture based on knowledge, technology, and partnership. This led to the creation of nRise, an energy efficiency consultancy, Vantage Point, a consulting firm that goes beyond ESG compliance, and GreenSense, a company focused on employee mindset transformation and engagement. My primary role is to ensure that our companies operate according to these principles and support market players where and how they need it.

Eölyüs Endre társalapító

Kiss Ádám társalapító

I am passionate about nature, especially water, and I love spending my free time by Lake Balaton.

It is also essential to me what kind of environment my children will grow up in and what kind of world they will enjoy their adult life in. I have always been attracted by innovation, and there is much potential for innovation in sustainability. This inspired me to launch a trio of companies in the field of sustainability, which led to the creation of GreenSense Consulting Ltd., which offers sustainability courses; nRise Consulting Ltd., which helps clients achieve energy efficiency; and Vantage Point Consulting Ltd., which offers ESG services beyond compliance.

With these companies, along with achieving business success, we want to create something that contributes to the future of our children and future generations. I aim to use my business as a role model for others to achieve a green future. Through the intertwining of innovation, expertise, and environmental protection, my colleagues, partners and I will deliver projects that make a real difference and of which we can be justifiably proud.


GreenSense logo

GreenSense Consulting offers training, workshops, presentations, and other programs focused on sustainability and ESG topics. The company is dedicated to making sustainability an integral part of corporate culture. They believe a green-minded workforce is the foundation for building an environmentally conscious company. Their goal is to help partners achieve their ESG objectives and commitments. GreenSense offers new perspectives and creative tools to enable individuals and organizations to grow and become more environmentally aware based on their unique level of development.

nRise Consulting logo

nRise Consulting supports sustainability from the perspective of energy efficiency. One of the core pillars of ESG is reducing environmental impact, which can be achieved, among other ways, through sustainable energy management. nRise identifies and analyses opportunities for energy reduction, audits the savings and presents the accounting in the EEO (Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme) and the resulting deployment of resources to companies.