
Our "Committed" service package is designed for companies that are genuinely dedicated to sustainability and want to do even more beyond legal requirements. The period between two reporting cycles offers the opportunity for creativity.
The "Committed" service package includes the modules listed below. You can request these modules together and individually. Please feel free to contact us for any specific needs or custom requests.
Carbon Footprint Analysis and Calculation
Today, fewer and fewer companies can afford not to understand their carbon footprint and the associated risks and opportunities. Leading companies now focus not only on their direct but also their indirect emissions. We provide the following tools to help assess and calculate your carbon footprint:
- carbon footprint assessment (Scope 1, 2 & 3)
- life cycle-based carbon footprint and other environmental impact assessments and modeling for the services or products your company offers
- short- and long-term carbon reduction strategy development
- assessment of climate change-related risks and opportunities impacting your company’s operations
- implementation of the company’s climate change resilience and adaptation strategy
Sustainability Strategy Development and Implementation
A comprehensive and customized sustainability strategy tailored to your company's specific needs and goals is crucial for long-term business success and competitiveness. Our company offers the following services:
- defining strategic objectives
- developing action plans
- supporting implementation
- continuous monitoring
The sustainability strategy may include ESG elements, which are essential for investors as they help assess the company's long-term risks and opportunities.
CSR Strategy Development and Implementation
In today’s business world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly important, not only as an ethical expectation but also as a strategic business tool. Our CSR strategy service provides a comprehensive solution, focusing on the following:
- designing and setting CSR strategic objectives
- implementing the CSR strategy
- supporting implementation
Energy Efficiency (EKR)
The EKR system aims to achieve the EU's 2030 targets for reducing primary energy use and final energy consumption. The system is regulated by Act LVII of 2015 and its associated regulations. For many companies, electricity, natural gas, and/or fuel consumption is significant, yet not everyone knows how to reduce consumption and generate additional revenue for the business. In this context, we provide the following services:
- calculations, data requirements, time and task planning for investment decisions
- energy assessment and documentation of the baseline state
- mapping of grant, loan, and ESCO funding sources
- energy and audit efficiency calculations, including HEM (Heat Energy Measurement) calculations
- certified energy savings: the sale of generated asset value rights
You can find more details here.
Workshops, Presentations, Trainings
Through our sustainability courses, employees become more open to environmental and sustainability topics and gain a clear understanding of the impact of their (green) decisions. In our challenge programs, participants can dive deeper into topics related to everyday life and easily integrate what they have learned into their daily routines. You can read more about our courses here.
see beyond
No matter how abstract your sustainability ideas may be, we help turn them into reality. We see unlimited possibilities in implementing sustainability.
Let's dream big together!

our services

Understanding the basics
Through our three core services, you will understand the fundamentals of ESG, be able to assess your company's level of commitment and identify the necessary intervention points.

We provide the tools and solutions to help your company comply with ESG regulations and meet ESG challenges.