Has your company already started writing a CSRD-compliant sustainability report?

Writing a sustainability report is a legal obligation for companies.

Under current legislation, companies are required to submit their CSRD-compliant sustainability report by 31 Mayeach year. Preparation should start as soon as possible, as reporting is a multi-step process that involves many actors and requires the management of large amounts of qualitative and quantitative data.

How can we help?

With Vantage Point's service, your company will have a CSRD-compliant sustainability report at the end of the process as we guide you through the following steps:

  • preparing your company's management to meet the legal requirements
  • identifying ESRS/CSRD requirements applicable to your company
  • assessing corporate readiness
  • conducting a Double Materiality Assessment
  • preparing an ESRS-based sustainability report based on your company’s material topics
  • ensuring general compliance with reporting obligation

What are the benefits of a well-written sustainability report?

A sustainability report provides a transparent description of how your company addresses the relevant issues, aligns its operations with sustainability goals, and contributes to solving global challenges.

  • ensures that your company complies with the law,
  • helps build trust with investors, customers, employees, and the public,
  • is an excellent platform for setting clear goals,
  • helps track progress,
  • pinpoints areas for improvement, and
  • supports data-based decisions.

The sustainability report is a strategic document demonstrating leadership, innovation, and commitment to long-term value creation.

Why did our partners choose us?

  • we have years of experience in writing sustainability reports
  • sustainability is our core competence
  • our partners can rely on us throughout the entire process, from data collection through analysis and writing the report
  • each client is unique, and we see them as such
  • we know that time management is essential, and we take deadlines seriously
  • between reporting periods, we also work with our partners to meet sustainability targets


környezetvédelmi szolgáltatók és gyártók szövetsége

There is no need to risk your company's compliance and credibility. Let us do the reporting for you, and we guarantee that the result will create value for your company beyond your obligations. Contact us now by filling out the form or call us.

    our services

    ESG Alapok

    Understanding the basics

    Through our three core services, you will understand the fundamentals of ESG, be able to assess your company's level of commitment and identify the necessary intervention points.



    We provide the tools and solutions to help your company comply with ESG regulations and meet ESG challenges.



    We recommend this to companies that are committed to sustainability and are looking to do even more.