

Understand where you are now and what you need to do now and in the future.

In the coming years, ESG will be an integral part of almost all domestic businesses, either directly as a legal obligation or indirectly through supplier involvement.

Our "Understanding the Basics" services offer solutions for those who are just beginning to familiarize themselves with ESG. Through our three core services, you will understand the fundamentals of ESG, be able to assess your company’s level of compliance, and identify the necessary intervention points.

Our "Understanding the Basics" service package includes the modules listed below. You can request these modules together or separately. Contact us for tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

EcoVadis Certification

EcoVadis is a globally recognized sustainability performance rating system that provides a comprehensive overview of a company's social and environmental impacts. We help our clients excel in this area by guiding them through the process of achieving EcoVadis certification, which enhances supplier relationships, boosts competitiveness, and validates sustainability efforts. We support our clients with:

  • Expert guidance throughout the certification process – We walk our clients through every step of the process to achieve the best possible results.
  • Detailed documentation preparation – We assist in compiling the necessary documentation, ensuring its accuracy and completeness.
  • Smooth processing – Our expertise ensures that each step of the EcoVadis certification process runs smoothly, making it easier to achieve certification.

A28 – ESG Intro

During the 4 × 28-minute consultation, we will make ESG issues clear and cover the following themes:

  • ESG context and pillars
  • ESG legal landscape, identifying your specific obligations
  • Rapid corporate status assessment
  • Potential for improvement and an outline of proposed actions

Our A28 service is the ideal choice for companies just beginning to explore the world of ESG.

ESG and Sustainability Compliance

ESG and Sustainability Compliance Stay informed about current ESG regulations with our legislative map. Our service provides both ESG positioning and route planning to compliance in the following ways:

  • Interpretation of ESG-related legislation and understanding its scope
  • Identification of where ESG and sustainability legislation applies to your company
  • Legal checklist to assess corporate compliance, including internal policies and regulations

Through our service, your company will gain insight into the legal frameworks it needs to comply with or prepare for in a timely manner.

DMA Light – Sustainability Impact Assessment

The impact assessment is the precursor to the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) and serves as the foundation for developing ESG objectives, strategies, and reporting. As a result of the DMA Light impact assessment, your company will gain insight into:

  • Its environmental, social, and economic impacts
  • The stakeholders affected by these impacts
  • The prioritization of impacts
  • The action plan required to address these impacts

Once a company understands its environmental, social, and economic impacts, it can effectively manage them.



No matter how abstract your sustainability ideas may be, we help turn them into reality. We see unlimited possibilities in implementing sustainability.

Let's dream big together!


    our services



    We provide the tools and solutions to help your company comply with ESG regulations and meet ESG challenges.



    We recommend this to companies that are committed to sustainability and are looking to do even more.